Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Any Progress??- Tracy Please Read

""Why is there deadly silence about the Carlin Style Gold deposits"

From other board."- Goldman

Well-as you might imagine- and not surprisingly-the situation is not so simple- and not as described by one of those dedicated bashers who post on that fundamentally corrupt other board. Keep in mind- when you make the unfortunate mistake of reading their trash- and make the even greater mistake of contaminating this board with its seepage- that, while there may be criticism on this board, it is over the concern that current management does not appear to be doing its best in developing our great resource at Hay Mountain- while what's heard on the other board is a calculated campaign, for whatever reason, to discredit the very basis of our investment. In fact, I have great reservation in giving this fake geologist any credance, but since you've brought this post here, I suppose it requires some response. I also will have to apologize in advance to our good friend NU- who complains about too long posts- but the nature of the mistatements requires a somewhat lengthy explanation. So he will just have to fire up those neurons and hang in there- or not.

As usual- the post in question is a mishmash of some half truths and mostly untruths. About the only truth that is there is the statement-"There is gold there . ." Correct. But then we are archly advised to "take advantage of free DD, folks". Well- thanks for the tip. You get what you pay for. Yes there are bits  and pieces in the public reporting- and some of the drilling could indeed be characterized as not promising. But the real story is a little more complicated- and much more promising. First hand accounts of the poor drilling results were obtained by parties probably drilling on behalf of Phelps-Dodge (exactly who is buried in some records which are probably in the hands of BG- whether he knows it or not. He reportedly seized these records essentially at gunpoint (the gun was apparently actually holstered)- but sadly are probably laying fallow under poor preservation conditions and also probably have not even properly been inspected or reviewed.). But prior to the drilling there had been some early electrophysical studies done by a Ken Zhong, using a precursor to ZTEM called Complex Resistivity- which involved laying cables across the ground and running electric current through them to detect underlying metal. Its accuracy was poor compared to today's ZTEM, and although it gave a general indication that there was gold, its ability to localize deposits was apparently limited and precise records of where the deposits were concentrated was not clearly identified. So when drilling was contemplated there was no correlation with the EP studies. In fact, the location of the drill rigs was determined by nothing more than where they most conveniently could be placed near the road they were brought in on. Moreover, and, importantly, these were air rotary drill rigs- which were not really suitable for the task. And so it was not surprising that they came up empty. And yes- Phelps-Dodge lost interest. But all this could not be learned from the "free DD"- only from the accounts of those who were there. 

Now- next came, instead, some diamond core drilling in the heart of what was thought to be the Carlin Style deposits- which, by the way, may be similar to their Nevada namesake in that the gold is similarly ultrafinely dispersed- but may be different in character and greater gold concentration. I do not pretend to be a geologist by any means- unlike the fake geologists on the other board- and so this is only my best layman's understanding of the geology. But the diamond core drilling does yield much more accurate core samples, especially in these types of deposits. Moreover, the drilling was angled at an unusually shallow angle- not far from the horizontal. And these results were vastly different- yielding an extraordinary 1 oz/ton concentration. These are the possibly rich- and at the same time very shallow and accessable Carlin Style/like deposits we have been talking about. Again- not to be gleaned from the "free DD"- but available from first hand accounts. The exact locations are probably buried in those records hoarded by BG-it would be nice if he would bother to take a look.

Now- it doesn't mean the gold is exactly there for the picking- it still needs to be delineated more precisely. But this can be done quickly and inexpensively with a combination of Biogeochem (veggie) sampling and using that lovely Niton XRF we already have. And that finally brings us to those Vermeer Terrain Levelers- so sarcastically but ignorantly (LOL) dismissed by the emminent resident fake geologist on the other board. These are incredibly sophisticated and powerful machines, capable of making 12 foot wide trenches of varying but fairly shallow depth and any length in one gulp but with great precision and delicasy. They can make fairly deep trenches as well, simply by making multiple passes, essentially enabling one to scrape a surface with great precision- and could in effect follow where the Niton leads- plowing through these relatively shallow deposits both for analysis and production.

So yes- These deposits are worth a "tizzy or two" and do deserve to be aggressively investigated. I think the better explanation as to BG's silence is given by our friend Kickedoff- "I had another thought, and it may be in operation here: "BETTER TO BE SILENT AND THOUGHT A FOOL THAN TO SPEAK AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT"" rather than by the disreputible character with a destructive agenda on the other board.

We need to somehow light a fire underneath BG and get this company moving.

With apologies to NU.

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