Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: From the 13 Oct 20 Press Release

"I feel they will screw this up. "

Unfortunately, that has been the track record. Even if we are somehow included in this deal, it doesn't seem like it makes much of a contribution towards achieving what still needs to be the main goal- to start drilling the original Hay Mountain primary targets as defined by JB. And now- also beginning development of our Carlin Style Gold Asset. Those efforts are not contemplated here and I'm not sure how this will advance those goals- even if there turns out to be some kind deal here. But, I guess at least it would be  some sort of start.

Robber's Roost is apparently about 8 miles from the Hay Mountain Targets- and, although presumably part of the same extended caldera system, not directly related nor even closely comparable in potential richness. Would any meager forthcoming funds even be used to start drilling? And, despite the description of our newest land acquisitions- have we even secured unfettered access to our potential deposits? That is still far from clear, as VP has pointed out.

We have been a patient, and, not to feel too sorry for ourselves- since it's been by our own choice- long suffering lot. We have been hanging in here together. Hopefully- we will be able to celebrate together at some point in the future.

We'll just have to see what the day brings. 



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