in response to
posted on
Oct 29, 2020 06:20PM
Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology
The state of the market is very nearly hysterical. 3rd quarter reports just coming out from precious metal miners are eye-popping. This may be the catalyst that drives the market into a frenzy. In fact, deals among miners and mining investors are at record levels since bankers were shut out of the system during the Financial Crisis. News releases from mining companies have been so accelerating I can almost not keep up with them. I read or scan 50-100 per day now, and that is just for companies registered for trading in the US and/or Canada.
Money and deals are plentiful*, yet LBSR, as a machine to leverage shareholder wealth, is broken without a mechanic in sight. Why is that? What is going on here? Who is responsible?
* As a somewhat related example, I see from recent TV ads that some companies offering mortgate refinanings are back to not requiring proof of income. That's crazy, so here we go again. Someone once wrote, "The liquidity is so thick it sloshers around their knees just walking down the street." That's where were are now. And depending upon who wins the election, the 4th quarter and next year will be gangbusters. Meanwhile, LBSR, as a vehicle for building shareholder wealth, is broken and without a mechanic in sight. Rage against the machine isn't working. We desperately need new operators, or ones brave and smart enough to take us new directions in a hurry. Without such, our financings to pay for lawsuits and claim renewals will bring our demise, I fear.