Yes- once they had their self awarded Class A shares it was game over. They could outvote everyone else and so not only was there no vote- not even any prior notice of the RS. They just did it because they could- since they now had the votes.
But the question is as to the process that awarded them those Class A shares in the first place. Should that have required a shareholder vote and prior notice and discussion? It seems like it was a fairly drastic change in status- without any general shareholder say or input. Some BG apologists- NU prominent among them-a.k.a. who?- claimed that the Class A share scam was done just to protect us from outside forces. The idea that it would afford BG and his cronies complete and unfettered control was pooh-poohed. But who was it we really needed protection from? Apparently not the outside forces. And we now see the result.
Is this something the SEC might need to sort out? Just asking.