Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Puzzle me Drilling



"Do we have any idea exactly where to drill at RR? A few feet one way or the other can make all the difference. Who is going to decide where to drill at RR? Business representative Guarnera? Maybe lawyer/ coal mining engineer of many years ago Brett Gross? Or maybe James Briscoe trained sampler Mr. Jay? Or maybe the business students who run Triton? I don't know- seems a much more risky proposition."

So really- who is going to decide where to drill??

I posed some of these same questions (and others) to Tracy- and she was kind enough to reply-

"RRC 2021 drill targets will be near historically fruitful holes; the data determines where the holes will be drilled. As results come in, the positioning of the drill can be refined or changed: Briscoe would concur.  . . . .Fortunately, there are many competent, experienced technical people working in the area now."


Well- I appreciate her answer- but it still doesn't  exactly answer the question. 

Personally, I do not favor this at all-for what it's worth. I would rather the funds be spent directly on Hay Mountain. But- since- as mere shareholders- we apparently have no say in the matter- I accept that this is the way we are going. So at this point- I would say- at least do it as competently as possible in hopes of success. So we really do need to manage the drilling as expertly as possible- the location- the angle- the depth- the choice of drilling method- all should be done under the supervision of the best available expert. Someone like James Briscoe. Tracy mentioned him because I brought up bringing him back. She said- and I agree- it's not really realistic- considering pending litigation, among other things. But, he is, by far not only the most experienced and expert person around- and not only does he have a long and unique familiarity with the area- including- specifically Red Rock Canyon- he has already actually drilled there. 

"As results come in, the positioning of the drill can be refined or changed". True enough- but who is going to decide where and how it will be "refined and changed". Unfortunately- the answer is- there is no one with remotely the right experience or expertise to make those decisions. That's why Tracy can't say who. Everyone's future depends on this being done right. Just because there "is gold there"- doesn't mean it will automatically be properly intersected. The probability is low to begin with. The likehood of making a "hit" only increases with proper decision making. So I hope everyone will put their differences aside for this one moment- for everyone's benefit. Mr. Briscoe could come in as an outside "consultant" to help guide the effort, for example- or at least someone of equal stature and skill- if such a person exists. Despite the conflict- we are all on the same side in wanting and needing success here. 







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