posted on
Jan 06, 2023 11:46PM
Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.
Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology
Message: Re: News
I guess I missed the original post before it was deleted. But if merely "snide" I'm sure it was much too kind. On an honest forum- there should be no mechanism for deleting commentary unless actually violating rules such as bashing other posters. Criticizing company actions or policies shouldn't be- and probably aren't violations of terms of use. So who/how and why are such posts deleted here? Expressing opinions and concerns about a company's policies and decisions- especially by shareholders- who-it should be remembered- are part owners- is precisely the purpose of such forums.
And- to the point- in this case criticism richly deserved- when- with no rational explaination- it is announced that the company is expending its minimal resources to "expand holdings"- while continuing not accomplishing anything with what they already own. This company continues to move sideways and in circles- rather than moving forward.
As far as we know- there has been no progress made even on the 2 very questionable holdings repeatedly touted- Red Rock Canyon and Robbers Roost (their main claim to fame being their colorful names)- let alone progress on the primary Hay Mountain targets. To this day- there has never been a coherent- or any justification- for turning its back on its one truly promising target- Hay Mountain-which even BG calls its "premiere [sic] property"
I come back to what everyone except management and the BOD- know to be the obvious course- forget about the RR and RRC nonsense and whatever is now being added- and DRILL HAY MOUNTAIN.
And I say this not to put LBSR in a bad light- but in the apparently foolish hope that BG and company might pay attention and change course. Or at the very, very least- at least extend the courtesy- of presenting its rational to its "regular" shareholders for discussion.
I guess one sliver of silver lining is that someone (maybe in addition to Tracy) is reading this and is at least paying enough attention to feel defensive or insulted enough to want to delete offending posts. But maybe they will also pay attention to those opinions and even be slightly influenced by them- (hopelessly naive thought). But I guess that depends on their ultimate intentions. Remember- fiduciary duty.
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