Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Happy weekend, All.

Well- as promised- I consulted an "outside" expert- but one with unrivaled experience in and knowledge of the Hay Mountain area. Having kept his distance, he was very pleasantly surprised to hear about the progress being made. He was very pleased and gratified that the drilling was taking place on Hay Mountain targets and also pleased that drilling was proceeding beyond 2000 feet. I read to him the description of the visual core findings (intense alteration, etc) and he commented that that was excellent news- and laughed- "Well- what did you expect!?" 

He said he knew of Jim Bryce, having met him briefly in Toronto and knew him to be a capable geologist and that his reports thus far sounded very competent. He felt very good about the progress made thus far, felt it was consistant with preceding data and was very optimistic for the future - and wished everyone well.

Hopefully, this gives everyone even more confidence that we are on the right track. 

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