Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Willy!

Brethren, Willy has finally said what i've known for a minute, but haven't smoked enough to speak up since my last message... I've been a technical trader for going on 30 years now... merrill needed me more than i needed them.... hence bouncing at age 26... the only thing that messes up technical trading, is a news event... partnership, drug going from phase 1 to 2, then 3, buyout potential, buyback, legal issues, DRILLING, ... etc.... the technicals when jb was in charge were terrible, and we wouldn't be having this discussion if he were still running things, had only a year and a half left with the then dilution rate.  i remember a big day for me, buying over a million shares at .004 averaging down... hitting my 1% ownership goal... knowing that the ZTEM data and jb's interpretation were top notch... then the comparison to chile and other top 3 all time mining stops... no brainer... ty bg for building a bridge with some of your money and for adding a property adj. to hay, instead of losing claims, cause of no mo' money... and PO! for paying the... bills.... buying the dream for all of us.... and doing something jb couldn't do...     back to my partner in crime Willy, I've been watching the volume... lately... and the only reason I'm calling your name, is that yes, say it loud!!!... it takes 3000 shares traded at any given moment for this stock to move 3 cents.... millions for the market cap.... as I have noticed for a few months, especially since PO put in another quarter million of funding last week or so... drum roll.... THERE IS NO MORE DILUTION GOING ON, EVERY LARGE SHAREHOLDER (80%+ OF OUTSTANDING) HAVE WARRANTS/OPTIONS WITH AVERAGE STRIKE OF .30-.50 EXPIRING OVER THE NEXT 2 YEARS.  no more extending warrants needed jb/bg...  even our current creditors signed by bg/po from years ago had strikes in the .08-.13 range... or 10% interest per annum.. do you think they're going to ride it out exercising those options or take that interest?  point is, every financing arm of this company from ceo to creditors (AND PLEBES LIKE ME) are all invested is this rocket ship.... THE STOCK WENT UP 25% TODAY ON 46K SHARES... UMM... DUH...   go team, j

 ps. to guru, masters in environmental science from uva, geology 1 of 4 core courses... very boring... but easy to learn... i literally understand the lingo of everyting you have ever said... let's talk hypo... i'm guessing 65%+ chance we got the goods... if so, i see us punching through our old high of 5 bucks by sometime this year.... with good news hopefully within the next 2-3 months....patience grasshoppers... now let's talk chile mining bonanza... here's the ?... do you think PO will ride this out with great news.... or we'll have a buyout at around 20-25.... if, as jb predicted after ztem to be a trillion dollar spot... if ridden out we're looking at over 100 a share, but i think PO would sell well before that 5-7 year plan matures... thoughts?

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