Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: back to Diagonal

So subtract the (approximately) two more weeks they were going to continue doing more channel sampling and grab samples and it would seem those would go right up I-10 to Tucson six weeks ago. Not sure how long it would take to do the pulps there--partly because we don't know how busy ALS in Tucson was--and then off to Vancouver. Also no way to tell how long it would take there because 1) I am not an expert on pulp analysis and 2) we don't know how busy the Vancouver lab was/is. I would think they would have a news release when that analysis is completed as opposed to waiting for the 3-D modeling to be completed. As usual, all guessing by a non-expert who just enjoys posting and reading other posts here. And since I am making all this up just because I can, I'll throw in that after the samples are all completed would be a nice time for our new board member to knock on some doors. (?) Well, that's my two cents. Which is worth even less because cents aren't even made of copper anymore because the value of copper is too high to make pennies worth one cent. And I think I remember something about having some copper somewhere...

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