One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: What seems to be the hold up?

What seems to be the hold up?

posted on Sep 29, 2008 10:31AM

It has been over 14 months now since the supposed final terms were submitted. We have waited for 2 vacation periods and religious holidays and still no DA!

3 full years since the signing of the MOU, course even then management actually thought they might get it signed in a few months. But that was a combination of lack of experience and enthusiasm on managements behalf. Well here we are over 3 years into this thing, and still we wait.

Exactly what this so called standard form is all about, who knows. What I do know is I have negotiated a lot of deals in my time, and if I spent several months time, attorneys fees, interacting with the other parties attorneys and officials to work out the precise wording and details of a contract. To then submit that contract for final review, only to have it handed back to me with the explanation that's its all good we just want it rewritten in this standard form. Well lets just say I wouldn't be a happy camper and every one involved would know about it. I mean are you kidding me! Not saying that in the end depending on how badly I wanted this deal I wouldn't relent, but not without a lot of hell being raised first. For example who's paying for the unnecessary additional attorneys fees? I have investors lined up wanting to go on this thing. Once you warm an investor up to an idea they won't wait indefinantly, time is money, and how about another year of management being in Oman, motel bills, plane tickets. Wasn't this agreement hashed out in good faith? Why wasn't the so called standard format required from the start? If it wasn't required from the start, to bad we go with the one we worked on. There's a time and place for the meek and timid hat in hand nice guy approach, but in any business deal there comes a time for firmness and don't take any BS also. Time for management to show some backbone. If the Omanis truly want this deal they will sign, and if their unwilling to do so in a timely manner. Then perhaps its time to consider taping them for reimbursement for time money and effort negotiated in good faith, and see if perhaps some other region of the world might be interested I this project. ITS CALLED CLOSING THE DEAL!

So here we are a year later another vacation cycle, 3 standard agreement forms later.

I ask again whats the hold up?

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