One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Times of Oman

investors and stock followers are up to their ears in promises made, promises not kept. Along with the promises was always the famous words "in the near future, within a few weeks, etc". when the market was depressed one could have bought many many stocks and doubled to tripled their money and then get back in to Omag. We were all frightened to sell because we would miss the boat and this great money maker. Unfortunately most of us are still in. It's like an all in poker game, all the cards are dealt and we are waiting for the the betting hand to make a move, bluff or royal flush. Frank Drohan and the Sultan has the last turnover card and we wait for cards to fall. Someone wins and someone loses.

By the way we are playing in the sultans casino, with the sultans dealer and the sultans rules

good luck

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