I don't know. Sounds more like the left hand got caught not knowing what the right hand knew. Interesting that there is no succession planning over there and no impetus to follow through when there's a changing of the guard (Minister of Tourism passed away about a year ago). MOT did come out and say they would have this signed ... within 3 weeks, although that then changed to January. They also did directly answer Frank's question regarding any reason it would not be signed. I would strongly urge Frank and Company to aggressively (but politely, obviously) follow up frequently.
To me, it sounds like the momentum has finally shifted back into our favor. If I didn't already own so much of this, I'd be buying. I'd like to know why anyone would sell now. Lack of faith? Understanding? This is positive ... I'm not surprised that it will be another month since the 12/10 meeting as that seems to be the minimum action period. But it looks like Frank finally got it on their radar screen.