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I found this article in the Oman Observer this morning which may explain the delay. Looks like another Minister of Tourism has been appointed effective yesterday. I highlighted the lower part of the article.

Cabinet reshuffled

Thu, 01 March 2012

Supreme Judicial Council constituted -
Decree changes portfolios of 3 ministers, inducts 3 new faces
Appoints advisers, under-secretaries; Transfers officials
MUSCAT — His Majesty Sultan Qaboos has issued seven Royal Decrees.
Royal Decree No 9/2012 constitutes the Supreme Judicial Council under the chairmanship of His Majesty the Sultan and its members are the Chairman of the Supreme Court as Deputy Chairman, Chairman of the Administrative Judicial Court, the Attorney General, the most senior Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Chairman of the Sharia Court Circuit at the Supreme Court, the Deputy Chairman of the Administrative Judiciary Court and the most senior chairman of the Court of Appeal.
When one member is absent, he shall be replaced by the person next senior to him at the agency he is representing.
The Supreme Judicial Council aims at ensuring the independence of the judiciary, developing it, integrating the values, ethics and morals of judicial work and caring for its systems.
While seeking to achieve its objectives, all its jurisdiction and powers, the Supreme Judiciary Council may in particular draw the general policy of the judiciary; ensure smooth running of work at the courts, Public Prosecution Department and its development; facilitate the litigation procedures and make litigation accessible to litigants; look into the nominations referred by the respective authorities to fill judicial positions, positions of the members of the Judicial Administrative Court, Public Prosecution Department positions either by appointment or promotion and appointments which the law provides shall be made by decree; propose draft laws related to judiciary and give opinion about the draft laws referred by the respective authorities; give opinion about the draft agreements for judicial co-operation between the Sultanate and other countries; and any other subjects that His Majesty the Sultan may submit to the Council to consider and opine about.
The Supreme Judiciary Council shall meet under the chairmanship of His Majesty the Sultan. It may convene under the chairmanship of the Deputy Chairman but in such a case, the decisions shall not be binding unless they are approved by His Majesty the Sultan. The Council shall issue a decision about its work system.
The Supreme Judiciary Council shall have a Secretariat-General that will assume all the administrative and financial prerogatives to ensure smooth running of work of the council. A decision about its formation and work system shall be issued by the council.
The Decree cancels Royal Decree No 93/99.
The Decree came into force yesterday.
Royal Decree No 10/2012 regularises Management of Judiciary Affairs.
The Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the aforesaid Judiciary Law shall exercise the jurisdictions of the Justice Ministry. The Chairman of the Council shall practise the jurisdictions and powers delegated to the Justice Minister, stipulated in the mentioned law, except for the jurisdictions stipulated in Article 78 and 99 of the Law.
The affiliation of the court, public administration for Judicial Inspection, the Public Administration of Courts, their employees and their financial allocations shall be transferred from the Justice Ministry to the Chairman of the Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the above mentioned Judiciary Law, without prejudice to the employment conditions for the said employees.
The Chairman of the Council shall have the jurisdictions and powers of the Justice Minister as per the laws and Royal Decrees in force over the assets, rights, records and employees in these authorities.
Without prejudice to the aforesaid Administrative Judiciary Court and Public Prosecution Law, the Judiciary shall have an annual independent budget, the estimates of which shall be submitted by the Chairman of the Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the aforesaid Judiciary Law to the Finance Ministry after obtaining the opinion of the Council. The first fiscal year of the Council starts from the date of this Decree and expires on December 31 of the same year.
The Attorney General shall exercise the jurisdiction of the Justice Minister as per the provision of Article 78 of the aforesaid Judiciary Authority Law, on request from the Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the same Law.
The Chairman of the Inspection Administration at the Public Prosecution Department shall exercise the jurisdiction stipulated in Article 15/ second paragraph of the aforesaid Public Prosecution Law as per the request of the Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the Judicial Authority Law.
The Chairman of the Administrative Judicial Court shall exercise the jurisdictions and powers granted to the respective minister as per the aforesaid Administrative Judicial Court Law, save the legal jurisdiction stipulated in Article 88 of the same Law. The Deputy Chairman of the Court shall exercise the jurisdictions of the chairman of the Court as per the provision of Article 28/ paragraph 1 and Article 87 of the same Law.
The Chairman of the Technical Inspection Authority at the Administrative Judicial Court shall exercise the jurisdiction for the respective minister as per the provision of Article 88 of the aforesaid Administrative Judicial Court as requested by the Administrative Affairs Council stipulated in the same law.
The Chairman of the Supreme Court shall have the jurisdictions of the Justice Minister as per the provision of Article 23 of the Conflict of Jurisdiction Authority Law and the aforesaid provisions in co-ordination with the Chairman of the Administrative Judiciary Court and the Finance Ministry.
He shall also practise the jurisdiction of the Justice Minister as per Article 24 of the same Law.
The Decree cancels Article 6 of Royal Decree No 90/99 together with Article 2 of Royal Decree No 91/99.
The Respective Departments, each within its scope of jurisdiction, shall take necessary procedures to implement the provisions of this decree.
The Decree comes into force from the next day of its publishing.

Royal Decree No 11/ 2012 appoints Ali bin Masoud bin Ali al Sunaidy as Minister of Commerce and Industry; Shaikh Saad bin Mohammed bin Said al Mardhouf al Saadi as Minister of Sports Affairs; Shaikh Abdulmalik bin Abdullah bin Ali al Khalili as Minister of Justice; Sayyid Mohammed bin Sultan bin Hamoud al Busaidy as Minister of State and Governor of Dhofar; Ahmed bin Nasser bin Hamad al Mehrzi as Minister of Tourism; and Dr Abdulmunim bin Mansour bin Said al Hasani as Minister of Information.
The Decree came into force yesterday.

Royal Decree No 12/2012 appoints Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Zahir al Hinai and Shaikh Mohammed bin Marhoon bin Ali al Maamari as State Advisers.
The Decree came into force yesterday.
Royal Decree No 13/ 2012 transfers Shaikh Hilal bin Hamoud bin Hamad al Maamari to the Foreign Ministry and grants him the rank of a minister.
The Decree came into force yesterday.
Royal Decree No 14/ 2012 appoints Khalid bin Hilal bin Saud al Busaidy as Under-Secretary of the Interior Ministry; Saif bin Amir bin Sulaiman al Shaqsi as Under-Secretary of the Housing Ministry; and Dr Ibrahim bin Ahmed bin Said al Kindi as Chief Executive Officer of Oman Establishment for Press, Publication and Advertising with special grade.
The Decree came into force yesterday.
Royal Decree No 15/ 2012 transfers Abdullah bin Nasser bin Musallam al Rahbi to the Foreign Ministry with the same grade and allocations.
The Decree came into force yesterday. — ONA

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