One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: stock flucations;

I wish I knew. But I don't think it's action reveals much about what's going on inside the company because pretty much the only one inside the company is Charlie K, functional CFO (Frank is out of country, of course, and so generally unavailable I would think). I've had many good conversations with Charlie and he is always VERY careful not to even hint at anything that might not be public.

It's so frustrating when a shareholder sells 200 shares at a ridiculously low price (like this morning). I know it doesn't mean anything, but it's still frustrating.

I still think the stock is in a holding pattern until the DA gets signed. When it looked like it was going to happen last year, it took off and alot of people like me got in. Now, I think, everyone is just biding their time. Even good news like that of a few days ago doesn't move the stock positively. We're all waiting for the same thing. In the mean time, someone or someones are quietly selling a little here and a little there. Guess their hedging their bets.

Would love to hear from you and everyone else as to what you / they think. In mean time, hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend ... and PLEASE don't forget about our men and women in uniform ... past and present. To all vets out there ... THANK YOU!!!

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