One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: العربية أي شخص؟

I bought my first lot in 07. I don't know what's obvious to you. I know that when events are beyond my control not to fret. I'm in my 7th decade so if anyone would have reason for the

the positive outcome we all anticipate it would be me who's horizion for spending the dough is probably not as long as the other folks on this board.

My reference to cultural aspects or concepts of time is based on experience . Experiences that taught me that the idea of time is relative to the culture.

If you take the vietnahm war you had relatively young cultures USA ,France fighting an ancient society . They would out wait us becasue they had longer view of time.

Regardless of your reception of my thoughts . They serve me to relax about this situation and it's not my right to convience you othewise.

I also apologuze if I offened Edision or anyone else.

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