Hi Bill,
I don't recall any developmental investment that has ever contained the "sweetheart deal" makeup of Omagine's. Usually, these deals are often structured to favor one party over another, made dependent upon many questionable variables, and over-promoted and over-priced by underwriters.
Not so with Omagine.
Omagine's principlals, the Oman Government, Construction Contractors, Bankers and others are all in the same boat - and all appear to be true blue. In fact, all the parties share a common stake, with little or no room for fudging, thanks to years of endless deal tinkering - that's caused lots of gray hair. Omagine's City of Light is unimpeachable!
At this moment, however, considering the the overall dynamics and potential profitability (and tiny capitalization) underlying this undertaking, the investor's inherent risk/reward is enormously favorable.
The outside world is another question.