One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Let's see if we can break $2 today...


Thanks for saying it better then I did. I live in NJ. I went to the SS office to apply for Social Security last year and you couldn't believe what I witnessed, Next room was the welfare office and it was standing room only. All able body men and women who were bragging to each other how much the govt gives them. In between each office is a hallway, I happened to asked one the the men there if he would like to work for my firm in the warehouse ans his rely was "MAN ARE YOU CRAZY - I DO NOTHING AND COLLECT $4250 PER MONTH PLUS FOOD STAMPS". I then asked him how he got to receive so much funds and he stated "BY BEING A GOOD LIAR" Lets hear it for oBUMa

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