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Message: Lets see if we can break $3+ today

To the readers of this reply to Alton I pledge never to write about politics , religion or grammar. I have been having a lot of fun baiting people who get so easily aggrivated: especially about my language arts. Edison you have been the best tarket and that is unkind of me. But you're so judgemental!

Alton : for six years after I retired I was a consultant to families with chidren in cancer treatment. Many of them I'm sure didn't pay taxes. Why they worked two jobs in retail their combined incomes didn't qualify. They aren't free loaders. Wall Mart is an example of free loading they work their employees just enough not to have to pay benefits so the employees show up at the er and are on charity care. The bigotry I have already defined. I criticize Romney for making statments to his cronies , when he thinks he's behind closed doors. How about being that blatant on the record. He is a highclass tax avoider.

Enough politics. I have had my fun with the grammiarans. And put it out there for some one to teach me how to use the spell & grammar check features of the board.

Alton how about addressing stock splits.

PS I am a capitalist pig bought my first stock at 11 years old and averaged a 30% gain per anniu, for 10 years. Retired @ 58 in 2000 buy selling a stock that I bought @ 2.78 and sold @ 60.00. However I don't object to capital gains tax and commiting a percentage to philanthropy. After all some one else had the buisness plan and worked their assoff . I was just parasite.

Newsflash of the 49% 44% are retirees, 23 % (don't quote me ) are full time employed , another percent are wealthy ( probably have a load of tax free bonds) source tonight NBC news that liberal bastion. That's it for politics don't even tempt me. Se how great you feel taking control of yourseld and not being sucked in by a guy who could even be a robot.

Let's talk split's , PLease resist repartee cause I'm doing the best I can not to mess with your heads. Also get me the proof reading info. Humbly yours Al Federici

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