One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: 13k shares traded in first 3 minutes today

1. People are believing that there will be a signing nov 18th

2. Just like the dow that is up today folks are exhuberant anticipating an OBMA victory.

What was the DOW when he came into office ? and Today , guys read Newsweek articile by Reagan advisor headline " Romney's Not A Buisnessman " he's a coporate raider . Staples eliminated hundreds of thousands of jobs . He presided over a state 85% democrate and wants to take credit for being able to work bipartasonly ( sp). Hell he just went along for the ride. Am I correct that Mass. is in the Blue.

By the way where did the Clinton surplus go ?

Do you want a commander in chief that is clueless about modern war fare. We have less muskets than the civil war. Can he spell drones ? Let's take the trillion he wants to put into the military budget and get people back to work. OBMA's mistake was spending all his political capital on health care reform rather than job creation. Inspite of this we are a hell of a lot better off on all fronts now. How about the way he handled the BP spill virsus the way the EXON Valeze disater.

Stop reading and run out an vote OBMA

If it's not too late get out and vote OBMA!

I promise no more politics after today. Al Federici

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