One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Is the tree being shaken?...prior to the upcoming update!

Yes, it has been small potatoes. And I take that as a sign of some dipping a toe in to take advantage of any offers to sell at a very low price (see the $1.17 a few days ago) and then sell when it gets back to what appears to be a more normal $1.50. But the low volume suggests trepidation (and properly so) to not get caught holding too much in case things go south.

Don't know about companies that received shares for services ... I must have missed that in their 10Ks ... or just skipped over it. But if so, it could be companies selling those shares.

I wasn't around when the stock split some years ago. Not sure any split would ever be taken to "...get the small investors out b/c it was costing too much to keep on the books." I'm not aware of any costs to keep investors on the books ... other than people (like me) calling Charlie every once in a while and taking up his valuable time. My understanding is that penny stocks thrive on small investors. They're certainly not going to attract institutional or large investors who are usually precluded from trading in penny stocks (generally defined as < $5/share).

Again, while I wasn't there at the time of the split, could it be that management believed that the stock was about to take off and wanted to increase the float available new investors? Given the track record of broken promises by the Omanis, I could see this as a more realistic explanation. Omanis promised action, mgmt relied on said promises and split the stock for the reasons mentioned above, and then the Omanis threw a wrench in the works.

For those of you who were in this back then, does that make sense? I'm just guessing here.

Thanks ... and its good to get a discussion going again, I've missed the dialogue.

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