One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: RE: posting by Qwerty1029

SCOTT, first of all, welcome to the message board. Secondly I shall apologize for none of us "crazies",not even AGORACOM, for failing to answer your important question. We usually leave the "higher math" questions to be answered by Alton, but it appears that he locked in a raging debate as to what beer he and others will be guzzling once the DA is signed. But I digress. The answer to your question on May 29th is, according to my abacus, is that you need only to get to a stock price of $7.00, not $70.00 to equal the $1.40 pre-split price. If I'm incorrect, I'm certain Alton will be all over this like "white on rice". Again, welcome and don't be a stranger, and hopefully my answer will keep you from being depressed!----BILL

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