One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


To Beachmaster and Lebnj,

Thank you for replying to my Jan. 4 post. There is apparently more to it than what met my eyes and opened them to reality. Allow me to respond to you individually.

To Beachmaster and Lebnj,

Thank you for repying to my post on Jan. 4. There's apparently more to it than met my eyes and together you opened them to realty. Allow me to respond to each of you individually.

Beachmaster: What you say is correct. I did consider members of the Agoracom group but I have no idea as to the number of shares they own in aggregate. Also, with all the negative posts and the implied desire to exit the stock as soon as they can get out even, I decided not to factor them in.

Lebnj: I was hoping you would respond to my post and I welcome your critique. i had labeled Bill as the historian for introducing me to our history of posts dating back to 2003. In going back these 10 years I recognized your name on many of these posts. As such, I now have to consider you our master historian. As you indicate, my analysis negected to take int consideration the issuance of stock options and any stock that may be restricted, and the extent to which the stock would be diluted. So, my 10.5MM share float may be impacted by the existence of these options most of which are exercisable at or around $1.25 a share. Since the stock is currently below $1, these options are not yet exercisable so I'll stick to my premise of a small float even though it may be somewhat larger than 10.5MM. When OMAG's price does rise above the 1.25 level we should see the exercise of some of these options which at that point the stock would be diluted. To what extent I do not know, so again I'll stick to my premise.

Beachmaster and Lebnj, I again thank you.

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