One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: The Float

Hopefully the respone to making offerings to existing stock holders would meet with more success than the previous. That only was 50% subscribed. Of course the signing would eliminate the risk factor for those who were not willing to buy at that time.

I have had only one previous experience with a small float company. That resulted in a buy out by a private equity firm. We made lots of money, but no where near the long term results.

I'm not making a comparision regarding the float issue. Look at Google rather than split the stock goes up.

The tactic of offering to existing stock holders assumes they aren't already tapped out.

I for one want to keep a balanced porfolio and would not find this tactic appealing. I am also in my seventh decade. You guys with longer time horizions and deep pockets might see this differently.

I guess all this depends on any future needs to raise capitol. If we don't need to, then let's continue as a closely held company with a high share price. Too the future !!!!!

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