One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Listing Requirements for All Companies NASDAQ

Man Oh Man, I step away from my office for a most of the day and I find that a near donneybrook broke out. Lighten up you guys.----- Frank and Charley here's the deal. Get the DA signed, get the project built so we get some real revenue numbers,and that will take most of the hokus pokus out of the exploding conjecture about book value ,price/book earnings, ,science,bridges etc. I hope that all of you realize that what Wall Street has successfully done for the longest time is to try to explain to investors, the actions of the market.They try to make us believe they know what they're talking about. Most of it is nonsense. I just love it when at the end of each and every trading day the talking heads (the so called experts)---RETROFIT (basically, make up) their reasons as to why the market went up or down. I swear they have a book,a thick book, of so called reasons why the market,or a stock did what it did. Occasionally,when is obvious, they're correct; usually it's just Bull S. In the interum, Frank and Charley,while we're awaiting Omagine to be built and functional and profitable ,let's get the next big project into the planning stage (if you haven't already) in a different country, so we can go back to bickering and hoping about THAT DA getting signed, cause one is a done deal. BILL------Serious this time.

Dec 12, 2014 02:48PM
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