One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: All Quiet on the Oman Front

CLARKSTER, speaking about the fork in the road, we do have a famous Yankee philosopher that once gave some sage advice. As he was giving directions to someone he stated that " when you get to the fork in the road,--- TAKE IT". That philosopher is of course Yogi Berra. Also, a guy named Robert Frost once wrote a book called "The Road Less Traveled". I read it many years ago and I believe it was about Frank and Charlie embarking on a journey into a development in the Middle East. Let's all hope that when they got to the "fork in the road" that they took the correct one, ---BILL.----- P.S. Alton we all have a "bone to pick with you". What's this "noise" we're hearing about you picking up shares of a non OMAG company. You told us you were "tapped out". If you did find some $ in your sofa cushions, why didn't it go directly into OMAG. Please don't give us the old "diversification" stories. Omag is a sure shot---no need for diversification. Take you loss with this bogus/loser stock and grab more of a sure thing,---BILL.

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