One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: All Quiet on the Oman Front

Sure is quite quiet out there. (That was for you Clarkster---I know you love to mess around with our English language). I dreamed a dream that I heard the roar of bulldozers but awakened only to the trash guys manhandling my trash cans. I wonder how long after the DA is signed, and it will be signed soon, that Frank will be able to dig that all important ceremonial first shovel full of sand at "THE SITE" ? I'm sure the celebration in NYC will take place long before that since there will be much work to be done before Frank breaks wind---no I mean ground,-- Bill.--- If I was a betting man, and those of you that noticed the $ I invested the first time around back in '03 know that I am, I'd say that Frank will get this thing done on his birthday which just happens to be next Wednesday, March 19th. I know how old he'll be on that day but lets just say that he's clearly older than dirt----or should I say--- SAND. Everyone keep your powder dry and let's give him a rousing "Happy Birthday" (when we get there) and hope that the MOT will "come through" on that very same day.

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