One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Dullsville in Oman

Im curious as to why you are a believer?

You are obviously sophisticated and experienced so I dont get the optimism after all the delays, disappointments and excuses. At some point the run around has to make you feel there is no way this could get done. No matter what anyone says if the Sultan wanted this done- it would be done. I dont believe that he cant influence the pace of this project. In the mid east Autocratic govt still rule the roost. Its one thing if delays were days, weeks, months etc. But, this is so far beyond any reasonable explanantion that the only conceivable explanation is they simply arent interested despite their rhetoric. WHy? I havve no clue but white with black stripes is usually a Zebra. Not a mystery

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