One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Excerpts from 10-K Report - April 15, 2014

Alton you have always been optimistic but somewhat grounded. How in all good conscious could you claim that there is nothing indicationg further delays and from this release and you surmise positive news is likely? Are you for real?? Have you totally lost perspective? The last time a so-called new advisor, minister came on board the delays were massive. What new advisor? Another person who's totally clueless. Come on its outrageous and irresponsible to say the least. After years of delays and nonsensical excuses suddenly the borders change and now a mystery advisor appears who has no idea. Why? Why would they involve someone else at this point. Wake up because the the only plausible explanations are gone so lets try the absurd. Bottom line, doesnt really matter. They will do whatever they want because they can. Unfortunately its that simple. Spin however you want it doesnt hcange the facts:

New advisor with errors and more delays with no timetable and no answer for the screw ups

No Deed- simple change not so simple after all

No Date for signing despite its imminent nature

No Deal

Those are the facts. Time to be honest and stop the this blind faith and somewhat unexplainable spin

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