One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: The D day

You simply dont get it. I have the right and clearly am in the right in light of circumstances to be negative. Once again for those with comprehension issues I simply dont understand any continued positive pronouncements which are solely based on "because they say so" That hasnt really worked out all to well. So rather than bash me come up with an intelligent cohesive arguement as to why you believe; they say so, they are hard workers, im positive person etc arent really answers.

Oh and how many shares I have is immaterial to this argument. I decided along time ago this investment was like a single big hand of blackjack. Either win or lose it all. So far dealer is kicken my tush. The shares I have are significant but wont change my life one drop either way.

Many of you ar ein business and if this were Lennar or Pulte etc the management would be crucified. Cant keep blaming the other side. Doesnt mean they are easy or even fair but after playing ball for so long it is your job to figure out a way to get things done. IF not you need to pack up and go home

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