One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Reality - Reality - Reality

Jun 02, 2014 09:47AM

I think the problem for us is we have no real clue as to what the hold up is or why its happening at all. We assume its the MOH but who really knows? There maybe multiple layers involved and they may not be even know to management.

To us, Omagine shareholders, none of this makes any sense. The excuses are barely plausible at this point and on the surface should be resolved rather expeditiously but simply arent. One delay rolls to the next with nonsensical excuses that one must question whether or not the Omani's actually want this project . Despite the fact that they claim they do actions speak louder than words and their ambiguity at this point must be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. One would logicaly ask why go this far just to walk away? I would argue why go this far and continue to delay just as vociferously. It serves no purpose but yet here we are again with no info, no DA or Krooki.

I am not being negative those days have passed Im just trying to be reasonable. Those who argue patience- Come'on at this point there is zero credibility. This project should basically be nearing completion and its still not even off the ground

Jun 03, 2014 12:37PM

Jun 04, 2014 04:25AM
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