One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Nothing

Although I have never worked in the mid east I do have friends who have done quite a bit of business there and their experience is completely in line with Qwerty's assertions. They seem to constantly delay, review, change and basically start over for no apparent reason.

The frustrations often cause people to either completely walk away or relent to the change in terms. Basically, they control the strings in their home court and perhaps culturally this is how they do business. I personally dont know and its counter intuitive to American business practices but to each their own. Either way we are screwed in this process despite comments to the contrary. According to all the formal releases we have been given this deal should have been done long long time ago but recently there is absolutely no plausible excuse. We have been told everything has been agreed to and that changing the Krooki was a mere formaltiy yet here we are with virtually NOTHING. Words on a page, press releases and chatter of the future and valuations are beyond a waste of time and I think rather insulting to one's intelligence at this point. That said depsite my well documented neg bent I was hoping to be wrong. At this point Im convinced I was more right than I could have Omagined (borrowed from Gibby)

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