One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Volume

ANITHA, I agree. You'll notice that the volume lately has been better (no where near where it will be once the "signature paralysis" is over) but, nonetheless, better. Remember all of the days when not one single solitary share traded. Now we're getting some trading and no increase (better yet no decrease ) in the share price. I'm putting this action in the positive column. Investors that "want out" are getting out; Investors that "want in" are getting in but are doing so at stable ,not sliding, prices. The "fire sale"on OMAG stock has ended. if you were thinking about adding to you position, do it now. I've "dragged "several long time friends into this investment recently (along with my good friend Mr. Tempest). Well, perhaps I'll meet him in NYC at the party, and he, along with all of you characters will become my new "best friends" that same glorious day. ---BILL.

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