One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Disappointing week...
I am sure by now the MOT knows the signing date and have prepared their own form of PR and such. The Omani government has everyone on a need to know basis, it's just how they operate. They operate at io mph while we here in the good old US of a like to operate at 90 mph. The last thing that letter in Arabic was submitted. So I guess they were just messing with us and will now declare April Fools I think we will pass on the project. Really, they have nothing better to do than to give ammunition to the Neggies (negative people) , Why? August is a travel month and many may be traveling and just getting back to the Sultanate. My biggest Why is if one is totally negative and down on this project and you have no faith in management, the Mot etc, than "Why" are you still here. If I truly felt that way I would have sold and exited stage left never to be heard from again. It seems the price movement is always predicated on what shareholders believe the timing is for the signing and then sell some when it don't happen. This is all irrelevant . I believe the news will come by surprise and the stock will more than double when it reopen after announcement. Then after it will be carried higher by Alton's valuations. Keep the faith guys we are at the end of this marathon.....back to the Beach.
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