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Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: more of the same

Hi Bill I was half kidding but the rest of my statment holds true. The rise of radical behavior all over the world is usually focused in areas where there is populations who are unable to see a way out or a future with promise. They are sitting ducks for propaganda and those who promise an alternative through extreme ideology

In this country it is a travesty whats happened. I am sick for my kids who future seems brightin some ways but threatened by the spread of hate around the world and rising in the US. Our illustrious president has caused so much harm especiially since he has turned out to be a wolf in sheeps clothes. His complete lack of action in the middle east and his divisive behavior here are deplorable and excerbated what was already a dangerous tide that needed to be stemmed. Its amazing that we as a country are not getting the message that the radical fundamentalist approach is a threat to the world in general and that burying our head in the sand is a disaster. If it werent for Israel g-d knows just how far behind the curve we would be today. Obama has been a abject failure in foreign polcy, race relations and the economy. His elitist personality has precluded him from working with congress as he cast the first stone when he rammed health care down the Republicans throat. To be fair, the Repblicans are equally shameless self consumed group who could care less about this country rather than getting re-elected. If werent so then they would have realized that destroying Romney themselves made it a cake walk for the Dem's. The whole system is a disgrace and our great countey has become a joke around the world. Sure its still the greatest country on earth but not the claim it once was considering the alternatives. We better hope 2016 comes tomorrow and the irresponsible behavior of those in charge can be eradicated

Thats all I have to say...... sort of

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