One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

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I agree that management has no idea about the timing of signing of the DA or if will actually happen. Im sure they believe it will but hard pressed to argue that view point with any conviction. The incessant pronouncements that " we are so close" are exaspirating. How could anyone after all of this time own that statment is unomaginable at this point. Telling the neysayers to go home is just as pointless. Did it ever occur to all of you Goldman Sachs partners that if people sell multiple thousands of shares to get out that the price will plummet and be under a dollar before you blink. Everyone is virtually trapped unless you want to take almost nothing for your shares. Yes I know something is better than nothing but time to stop the implausable suggestions and acknowledge that to this point this is a colossal flop. Ten years and there is nothing tangible other than 8k which have one giant excuse after another. I wish you guys would go back and read your posts from 3, 6, 12, 18 months ago. THEY ARE THE SAME AS TODAY and yes we are in the exact same spot- no where!!!

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