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Message: Re: 200 day "mooing" average

Jan 30, 2015 12:11PM

Jan 30, 2015 01:32PM

Jan 30, 2015 06:47PM

Jan 30, 2015 07:37PM

Jan 30, 2015 08:55PM

Jan 31, 2015 11:07AM

Jan 31, 2015 05:24PM

Jan 31, 2015 08:27PM

Feb 01, 2015 09:16AM

Feb 01, 2015 11:17AM

Feb 01, 2015 12:41PM

Feb 01, 2015 02:39PM

OK, I'll chime in. I was surprised the senate did not pass the pipeline bill by at least 67 votes (what's needed for an overide). After getting their heads handed to them by the voters in Nov, and a worrisome 2016 coming up, you'd think there would be enough to override this lame duck train wreck (I was going to call him a traitor, but decided I didn't need the IRS or Secret Service on my case, so I'm not going to call him a traitor. Not even a socialist. Or any other negative descriptor. No matter how accurate those unspoken descriptors may be.).

As for Israel taking out Iran's nukes, that will be next to impossible as Europe and US have granted Tehran enough time to harden most of their facilities. This isn't even remotely like Iraq way back when. It's way more complicated. And with the US currently "at war" with Israel, and Europe to frightened (as nearly always) to do the right thing (OK, that's probably overly harsh ... sorry), Israel is once again all alone. No, the only hope would have been to not negotiate with Tehran and to increase sanctions. And by the way, this is why a strong US Navy is imperative. By enforcing sanctions and showing Russia, China, Iran, et al that we mean business, a lot of nasty stuff might be avoided. I truly believe history will show that 2008 was when our decline into oblivion began to accelerate. Of course, history will likely be written by "progressives" and therefore it will "show" that our decline was due to conservative politicians, etc. Whatever.

I'm agnostic as to tonight's game, but will root for the Sea Hawks.

Feb 02, 2015 06:48PM

Feb 03, 2015 10:52AM

Feb 03, 2015 04:34PM
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