One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: 200 day moving average

PIPER,I'm not friendly with your aformentioned soothsayer, but here is my prognostication on the sequence of the events you listed. First-Agoracom will pull a rabbit out of the hat and we will get stock quotes before the next Ice Age. Second-since the Keystone pipeline has been passed by the Senate,the House is a "given". Hopefully enough "dems" will see the light(at the end of the pipeline) and override the "obstructionists" threatened veto. Third-The silver shovel shall be pressed into the sand on the beach in Oman by Frank et al.,heralding the "start of something big". Lastly, may I assume that you are referring to Iran's nuclear threat. My fervent hope that they are neutralized by our negotiating skill---RIGHT---but more realistically by Benjamin Netanyahu and his boys REALLY neutralzing them--if you get my drift. ... Enjoy both of the games --both keeping score on the sequence of my predictions, and the one that Marshawn Lynch has so eloquently discussed at this week at his press conferences. ...BILL.

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