One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Stock Quote

Not to play "Debbie Downer", but lets just say I am for purposes of this comment (yes, I did watch the SNL Reunion ... but only up to 10pm when it appeared the writers lost interest and there wasn't anything funny going on anymore ... but I digress).

Are you guys crazy?! From your past posts, it sounds like you and Bill and Clarkmeister have already put a boatload of $ into Omagine. This is STILL a very risky play as we can all see by the recent bureaucratic delays in simply getting the usfrunct (sp?) registered. If this doesn't work, you (myself included) will be in for a world of hurt.

I still believe it WILL workout and am hopeful for significant news regarding land valuation and financing dates, etc. by the end of March. But we've all been through this before. You guys who are older should be extremely careful about what you're doing. This is a very speculative play and you shouldn't have anything invested that you can't afford to lose. So, for your sakes and that of your spouses and families, be patient and wait to see what happens. You have warrants that can be exercised later if/when the stock takes off.

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