One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: The Winter of Discontent - A Snow Job

CLARKSTER, you clearly get the nod to write the novel "The Book of Oman" as previously stated .I enjoy your story telling, and noticed that you divulged (I believe for the first time on this message board) that you are now a Floridian-----you bas--rd. It was 3 degrees here this AM! Keep the postings coming. Alton is back under his rock---for the most part. His last message was at best, monosyllabic. But who blames him; Not I. There is not much these days to hoot and holler about. Frank and Charley, we could use some encouraging news---even if it's that "granular" variety you spoke about some time ago. (and I'm not referring to sand---unless of course it's our beach).Hey Nick,Jeff, JB, Anitha,Oldster,Beacher, either Harrell,or either Limey--Doc or Stocker--dig something up , make something up,give us some renewed hope to carry us through to the next explosion of great news,...Please,.. BILL.... P.S. And Pipes, for "pipes" sake get your money in there. Place a buy order at $3.75/share. I guarantee you will receive a complete fill in minutes! GUARANTEED!

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