One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: The Time Is Now

CLARKMEISTER,you are on a roll. I can't say I disagree with anything you've written.I'm wondering if the triumphant return of HM (His Majesty--not Honey Mooner) had anything to do with the consumation of the deal to purchase 20 jets, which in essence DOUBLES their fleet (as Lynne reported and Alton read about the other day). Also, it appears that many of the Middle Eastern countries are breathing a "slight" sigh of relief that finally some of their brethren are realizing that Isis IS a real threat--and not the "JV team"--and are kicking some serious keister.These three recent developments,not to mention that once the DA was signed they are contractually obligated to sign and register the UA, should portend the signing soon.....Bill. P.S. I wonder what HM was thinking as he approached his country from the air and saw the lump of sand where his pearls we to have been built by now. We know he had more inportant things on his mind ( like his life) while being treated and recovering in Germany. "Let's hope" he was somewhat perturbed when he found out that very little beside the signing of the DA had been accomplished. Perhaps he'll "fast track" the next few steps. " Let's hope".

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