One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


A $1.95 close! So much for the $2.00 "bottom". No big surprise since the UA was not yet signed and the 10-K did spell out a number of grizzly hurdles (nothing our boys can't handle -mind you). We now must sit tight and wait for the MOT and the MOH to sign the UA and LLC to sign and register it. Those things should be handled easily by the stroke of many pens. Meanwhile the work of negotiating ( design, engineering, financing/CCC-Oman contracts, et al.) will continue. I shall be departing for Hawaii on Tuesday and will not be returning until Cinco De Mao. The last time I took a trip of any consequence was late September/early October of 2014 to Las Vegas NV. On 10/2/14 when I returned to my hotel room I was pleasantly surprised to find that the DA was finally signed. May I request a similar result with the UA sometime during those two weeks, preferrably as I blow through the sign that says "no rental vehicles beyond this point" with my wife and my (rental) jeep. Mahalo, Bill.

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