One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: are the shorts back??

Piper,please allow me to make one minor correction to your message. It should read "THE" party not "A" party. Remember, Alton is supplying the party hats and Frank and Charley are figuring how to plan the party around the stockholder's meeting sometime in the fourth quarter. (Not sure if that's a calendar or fiscal quarter--or does Omagine operate fiscally on a calendar quarter). It will be great to meet everyone and share "war stories" about "our" company. To date I have personally spoken to several stockholders within the last few years and have met both Frank and Charley years ago. Sooo as long as the pieces continue to fall into place and we keep receiving good news it will be one festive time in NYC. See all of ya there, Bill................ P.S. I would suggest name tags be used and they should include your real name as well as your Agoracom name. (Gibby/Mooner will then have a minimum three names).

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