One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Land valuation to be released early next week

NECKSTER, welcome to the Agoracom message board.(If you have posted before,apologies--I'm old now and my memory is getting sluggish). What you say can and will help. I've gotten many individuals interested in our opportunity. They have become shareholders and are still speaking to me! I notice from your "profile" that you jumped on board (pun intended) on October 3rd 2014 which just happens to be the day after the long awaited signing of the DA. Hopefully you didn't buy during that price flurry since the price jumped due to the news,then settled back awaiting the other pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. Then again, so what if you did buy in at the 52 week high of $3.94/share.That price is still a joke in the scheme of things! Sooo, regardless of the price you paid---it's not important. It's good to have another positive and constructive participant adding to our discussions.It's also great to have a "Cheesehead' as one of our "cast of characters", Bill.

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