One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Waypoints

Really not all that complicated. Look at companies like Tesla, several dot.coms,a biotech, or a drug companies awaiting FDA approval. Price or market value is driven by the the number of buyers vs. sellers..period. Anyone can speculate why a buyer buys or a seller sells, but the numbers there of drive the market price....period. Anytime someone has sentence that includes OMAG..."should" are overlapping fundamentals with technical aspects. It's not negative or debbie downer it's just reality. It's this with any asset, especially high end real estate.

Fad Stocks like TSLA's price are not based earnings, profit, book value etc. It's price is based a perception of what they will be in the future, and more importantly how many buyers want to own the stock NOW. Then add in Trading vs. Investing...and one might write a post as long as Alton and need a nap.


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