NICK, I don't feel many of those invested in this company are selling because they need the money. Our stock is dirt cheap--it's a "penny stock". The shorts are in this game to "play"the market. Our stock has been very lucrative for those srorting--in many cases because the price runs up on some news and then they push it back down by shorting. Once we get the three or four pieces of news I've been "harping "about--they are #1. PWC's ruling on the correct method for showing our $430,000,000 (60% of $718 million) average value of the Usufruct Rights #2. Making the decision on a Financial Adviser and #2A. the subsequent signing of the Financial agreement and #3. Getting CCC-Oman to "sign on the line which is dotted"--we will be well on our way to qualifying for the NASDAQ and greener pastures. As I've stated before the current share price is a joke. ($2.30) Once it moves up on the next REAL news, you'll wish you took a second mortgage , or a line of credit on your house to purchase many,many more shares. Please take the time to print this post out and keep it with your other Omagine paperwork. Let's see if I'm not correct, Bill.... P.S. One caveat is the decision by PWC and how they determine we carry the Usufruct Rights on our financial statements--Stay tuned !