One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


Stockmeister, I feel like I felt when we were waiting for the DA to get signed. As Yogi Berra would say in one of his Yogisms--"It's like Deja Vu All Over Again"....! Then again "hope springs eternal"(not a Yogism). Perhaps we shall receive a surprise.It's only Wednesday, that gives PWC and Omagine till Friday to "Git-R-Done" (Larry the Cable Guy--not Yogi) before August. Lets make July the month that we obtained the signed Usufruct Agreement (July 1st), then received a signed, stamped and officially registered Usufruct Agreement (July 2nd) and then on--- we weren't finished with July just yet---July 9th the appraised value of $718 ,000,000 was made public in an 8-K. We were then told that our independent auditors Deloitte & Co. would not be permitted to provide "internal accounting advice" and that PWC would render their opinion 10 days from July 9th. Since then all is very quiet and very still. I'm up for a jolt--how about you? C'mon, guys,(Omagine management) lets make July 2015 the best month since October 2014. Regards and Cheerio , Bill.

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