One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: So what's next?

Sep 11, 2015 03:09AM

Sep 11, 2015 09:57AM

STOCKER, do I detect a slight wavering in my friend from the UK ?. Please allow me as an American,and a great admirer of the United Kingdom (I've been to your country twice,my wife Patti, three times and daughter #three--- of four daughters--- actually taught there during her exchange program) to quote partially, one of your greatest statesman, in a commencement address in 1941 at Harrow School--his alma mater.He said-among other things- "Never give in. Never give in.Never,never,never-in nothing, great or small,large or petty-never give in" yada , yada, yada. It appears as though Frank & Charley have subscribed to this philosophy. Patience---yes but many times stronger. Call it grit and pure determination to see this project through to the end . We've missed many projected time lines and I suspect we shall experience several others. However, this train is now finally rolling (the DA ad UA are both in the bag) and there is no stopping it now. I, as does Alton,fully expect good news before the end of (THIS) September. My advice is for all of us to gather in an many shares as financially possible, and enjoy the train ride. We can toast to that at the shareholders meeting in NYC---date and time to be determined. Cheerio, Sir William. P.S. Still don't understand "Stone Henge" but we can leave that discussion for another time.

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