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Message: Re: Q3 Filing Date

Nov 13, 2015 03:11PM

Nov 13, 2015 04:17PM

Nov 16, 2015 10:31AM

Nov 16, 2015 10:52AM

Nov 16, 2015 11:13AM

Nov 16, 2015 11:41AM

Nov 16, 2015 11:50AM

Stock-Shark - I am stunned that anyone would be surprised at our administration's approach to terrorism. And I don't mean that as an insult to you, I don't.

When an avowed Islamist shot up our Ft. Hood in TX a few years ago, our president called it workplace violence.

A recent killing spree at one of our colleges was done by an Islamist with ties to ISIS (or at least with propaganda materials, etc. from ISIS). The administration has stated that there was absolutely no evidence to support the notion this was a terror attack.

Just a few hours before the Paris attacks, he told a news outlet that the threat from ISIS has been contained and that they weren't growing. Said something similar about Yemen a few months before that country dived into civil war with Islamic extremists on one side.

The administration has ordered the expungement (sp?) of all anti-Islam terror training from our security organizations.

Top security officials have been and continue to be ignored when testifying before Congress as to the very real threats.

Just this morning, USA Today reported that the White House is very confident in our ability to thoroughly and exhaustively vet all refugees from Syria as part of our STILL insistence that we up the number of refugees from Syria. This despite the head of the FBI stating they are following ISIS terrorist in ALL 50 states and that they (FBI) do not have the resources to track so many threats. The FBI has stated emphatically that it is impossible to vet, even at a minor level, these guys coming fom Syria because there are no govt structures over there with records to look at. There simply is no way to know who these guys are because there are no source documents.

There is much, much more, but none of it, as above, relates to Omagine. So I'd best go quiet now.

Deepest condolences to our French friends ...

Nov 16, 2015 01:19PM

Nov 16, 2015 01:28PM

Nov 17, 2015 04:22AM

Nov 17, 2015 09:41AM

Nov 17, 2015 11:58AM

Nov 17, 2015 12:23PM

Nov 17, 2015 12:42PM

Nov 17, 2015 05:25PM

Nov 17, 2015 10:33PM

Nov 17, 2015 11:07PM

Nov 18, 2015 03:48PM

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Nov 18, 2015 11:04PM
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