One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


Jan 26, 2016 10:46AM

Jan 26, 2016 12:10PM

Jan 26, 2016 12:40PM

All Mr Trump knows how to do is Bash anyone who is against him. I know what he would do in government by his actions. When he lifts the Bible and says he's a Christian, I doubt that very much especially the language he exhibits. He has no class. He would be another Obama (no nothing) president. Trump thinks he can fix everything, knows all the people, can get things done Etc. Only in his delusional mind can he invision this. He can never be specific as to how he is going to accomplish anything. I'm also infavor of Rubio. We're 19 Trillion in debt and counting. What makes you think that we can retrive companies from China or anywhere else when the unions are killing us and government. Our labor costs are so high, we could never compete with labor costs in other countries. I worked in the VA, and I know how the unions work. It took me two years to fire someone, because the union backs incompetence and allows the poor worker to keep their job. Managers everywhere in a union setting will give up in documention poor performance, because they feel it's not worth it. I documented for two years, went to an EEOC meeting and finally won.

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