One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


BIG AL, your points are well thought out, and more than likely, on all of the stockholder's minds. I know they're on mine. You are ,I believe, older than most of us (perhaps Old Guy from Boston could give you a run for your money)----judging from your previous posts over the past years--so I don't believe any financial advisor worth his/her weight in salt would disagree with your decision to exit your investment.Your health,nerves and sleep need to come before speculitive investments. Having said that, my personal feeling is that the precipitous fall in the price of oil SHOULD clearly work IN OUR FAVOR in that now---more than ever---Oman will fully realize that their future cannot rely solely on oil and natural gas to survive. Many articles eminating from the MENA region have trumpeted the need to develop and promote tourism .The article posted by AGORACOM as recently as Wednesday of this week (2/3), addresses this very point and within that very article it states that Oman's oil reserves may last only 15 years more which to me concludes that they had better get cracking on their tourism projects sooner rather than later.For all I know this article may have been the final straw that broke the back of your confidence since your "announcement to retreat" came just three days after that posting....But that's neither here nor there. As far as ISIS and the other scourges on civilization--I believe that as they continue their assalt on humanity--I firmy believe that humanity will force its "milk toast, namby pamby" leaders to either develop backbones or be forced to step aside, compliments of the voting booths. (In our case term limits will suffice) Hopefully America--and all of the other threatened countries, will vote with resolve to place real leaders and not "appeasers" into their top positions. The world does not need another Neville Chamberlain (sorry Stocker). We all know how that worked out! Al, the next to your last sentence of your post states "I hope I'm proven wrong..." I'm sure all of the stockholders concur and I'm quite certain that Frank and company will welcome you back as a stockholder once the Finance and Construction contracts are finalized. Your re-entry will be at a substantially higher price more than likely, but hopefully you can still enjoy at least a portion of the ride up. Thanks for your well wishes and we hope to see you return, not just as a contributor to the message board,but as an investor. I say this because if we look back to previous posts, I believe President Alton--our most senior president--promised to buy drinks for all of us --yes including you Al--at the upcoming stockholder's meeting. Remember ya gotta be a current stockholder to get past "Charlie The K" at the door. Regards and enjoy the Super Bowl, Bill.

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